Home > Sustainability > Our Code of Conduct > The Environmental Declaration and Environmental Management System

At Toho Zinc, we consider environmental issues to be a top management priority, and strive for thorough compliance management. To this end, we have established an Environmental Declaration, which serves as a guideline for environmental conservation activities at Toho Zinc. We promote familiarity with these guidelines on the part of each and every employee.

In order to fulfill our duties as a responsible corporate citizen and shape a pleasant society to live in, now and into the future, we remain committed as ever to further improving environmental management systems throughout the Group.

Environmental Declaration

Environmental Philosophy

At the Toho Zinc Group, we consider global environmental issues as medium- to long-term themes we should address on an ongoing basis. We will therefore actively promote initiatives for environmental conservation and strive to help create a sustainable society.

Environmental Policies

  1. We will promote our environmental management systems to maintain and improve them on a continued basis, aiming to help conserve the global environment.
  2. We will strictly adhere to domestic and international environmental laws, regulations, and agreements.
  3. We will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our business operations and promote sustainable and efficient energy use, thereby tackling climate change through a combination of mitigation and adaptation.
  4. We will contribute to the formation of a circular economy by promoting energy-saving, resource-saving, and recycling in each area of our business operations.
  5. We will reduce the environmental impact associated with our business operations and take measures to promote biodiversity.
  6. We will ensure that all Toho Zinc Group members understand these environmental policies and will widely disclose them.

April 1, 2024
ITO Masahito, President
Toho Zinc Co., Ltd.

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