Home > Sustainability > Our Code of Conduct > The TOHO ZINC Group Code of Conduct

In order for TOHO ZINC Group to be a responsible corporate citizen, and act accordingly, directors, employees, and each individual shall maintain self awareness and comply with all policies.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

The TOHO ZINC Group complies with the letter and the spirit of all Japanese and foreign laws as well as international rules. It will conduct its business operations based on fair, transparent, and free competition with integrity and social good sense. It will also maintain sound and normal relationships with government agencies.

2. Sustainable economic growth and the resolution of social issues

The TOHO ZINC Group will meet increasingly diverse, complex, and sophisticated customer needs. It will also pay sufficient attention to energy savings, resource conservation, and environmental protection, will provide safe and useful products and services, and strive for sustainable economic growth and the resolution of social issues in an effort to earn the trust of customers and society.

3. Appropriate Disclosure of Corporate Information

As an open company trusted by society, the TOHO ZINC Group will communicate with shareholders and society in a broad manner. It will actively, effectively and fairly disclose appropriate corporate information, and engage in faithful constructive dialogues with stakeholders, with the purpose of enhancing corporate value.

4. Pro-active Approach to Environmental Preservation

Recognizing that efforts to address environmental preservation are a corporate requirement, the TOHO ZINC Group will strive to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, give full consideration to biodiversity, and take voluntary and proactive initiatives to improve the environment.

5. Respect for Human Rights and Social Contribution

The TOHO ZINC Group will respect the human rights of all persons, actively engage in community involvement activities, and strive to contribute to community development as a good corporate citizen, cooperating and coordinating sufficiently with society.

6. Creation of Rewarding Workplaces

The TOHO ZINC Group will aim to make the lives of employees comfortable, affluent and provide a healthy, safe and pleasant work environment that reflects adequate consideration of the work-life balance. Concurrently, while respecting employees' diversity, characters and individualities as much as possible, it will create a corporate culture in which employees can demonstrate their creativity in a free and easy manner.

7. Construction of Crisis Management

The TOHO ZINC Group will construct and strive to maintain and improve organized crisis management in the face of actions by antisocial forces, terrorism, cyber attacks, natural disasters and other crises that pose a threat to civil society and corporate activity.

8. Cooperation with the International Community

Guided by internationally accepted high ethical standards, the TOHO ZINC Group will not discriminate based on race, creed, religion, gender, or other discrimination. It will respect foreign cultures and customs and will manage its businesses to contribute to economic and social development in and outside Japan through business operations based on mutual trust.

9. Compliance

The TOHO ZINC Group will make the TOHO ZINC Group Code of Conduct (“this Code”) thoroughly known to all relevant persons and encourage awareness. It will strive to remain continually aware of opinions and information in and outside the Company through a hotline, and ensure thorough observance of corporate ethics.

10. Thoroughness of this Code and Role of management

The TOHO ZINC Group's management will strive to embody the spirit of this Code and build effective governance systems. Also, the management will strive to raise awareness of the spirit of this Code within the TOHO ZINC Group to achieve its full compliance and encourage behavior based on the principles of this Code within the TOHO ZINC Group. Should an event occur that loses the trust of society, the management will proactively take responsibility to respond to the situation, including resolving the problem, investigating the causes, and striving to prevent a recurrence.

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